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I am a 66 year old male living in Burlington, On.  On February 2011, I was first diagnosed with Non Hodgkin Lymphoma Centre Cell Follicular –Indolent Stage III .  I received 8 Chemo treatments of R-CHOP. In May 2013 I as again diagnosed but this time it was Large Cell Difuse Stage 4. Again I received 8 treatments but of R-CHOP.  However the disease continued to transform into a strain as yet unidentified but was becoming resistant to the last 2 R-CHOP treatments.  I then endured 3 treatments of D-HAP  chemotherapy as an in -patient at Juravinski Cancer Centre in Hamilton. This was followed by a stem cell transplant that took place September 17, 2014.

Bill Callen, Follicular and DLBC Patient, Ontario, Canada


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