Anxiety is a normal emotion that alerts your body to respond to a threat, real or perceived, and is defined as feeling nervous, on edge, or worried much of the time. Feelings of anxiety can increase or decrease at different times and change from person to person. High anxiety can significantly interfere with your quality of life. It may affect your appetite and sleep, worsen your pain, and generally make you feel terrible. Everyone is different and what works to reduce your anxiety may not be the same for someone else. However, support from family, friends, and support groups, whether they are in person or online, can help. If your anxiety is severe or interferes with your daily activities for an extended period of time, you may have an anxiety disorder.

Many with anxiety feel a sense of relief when they learn more about it and that there are ways to reduce and manage it. Managing anxiety depends in part on the cause of it. For example, if you are having anxiety caused by pain, the type of lymphoma you have, or the medication you are taking, then your doctor will try to treat the underlying cause.

Some patients may benefit from other management options for anxiety including: problem solving for practical matters, counselling, support groups, and relaxation techniques. In addition, anti-anxiety medications may be helpful. Speak with your doctor to learn more.


Cancer.Net. Anxiety

Lymphoma Canada. Coping and Emotions