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Do you believe things happen for a reason? I would like to share with you this opportunity that has come our way.

Do you believe things happen for a reason? I would like to share with you this opportunity that has come our way. I feel we at LC cannot ignore this amazing offering.

I know that lymphoma has touched your life. I know that you and the thousands of Canadians, whose lives have been affected by this disease, share our unfailing desire and commitment to find a cure.

Right now for the first time since Lymphoma Canada (LC) was founded in 1988, we have the opportunity to turn that desire into a reality.

In order to succeed – and succeed we must – we need your help.

For every dollar we dedicate to lymphoma research, the Canadian Institute for Health Research will provide matching funds through the (SHOPP) Small Health Organization Partnership Program.

This means your donation of $50 becomes $100…..$200 becomes $400 and this is the opportunity we cannot ignore.

We believe so passionately in the need for lymphoma research that we have committed to funding a two year research fellowship of $55,000 each year. This research fellowship will be awarded in the spring of 2013.  With the 100% matching funding program by CIHR, this means that LC needs to raise only half that amount — $27,500 each year – from our friends and supporters.

Why is lymphoma research so vitally important?  

Well for one, the rate of lymphoma is on the rise in particular in the young adult population of 18-39 year olds.  Unlike other cancers no screening method is available and because lymphoma often masks symptoms of the flu an accurate diagnosis may not take place early on.

Research in lymphoma is chronically underfunded. We must address the gap that exists between the incidence of lymphoma in Canada and the percentage of cancer research funds that are dedicated toward lymphoma as a hematologic cancer.

For patients and their families living with lymphoma there has never been a more exciting time for lymphoma research.  New treatment breakthroughs in the past 5 years have provided much hope but more is needed. 

Lymphoma Canada is asking our supporters for a donation so that we can match the CIHR funding.

Please consider making a donation of $500. This means that through this program your donation will be doubled to $1000. We recognize that this is a significant commitment for some of our supporters and truly, any donation you can give of any amount will be extremely appreciated. You will have the opportunity to donate in honour or in memory of someone whose life has been touched by the disease or in honour of a heath care professional working in lymphoma. 

As always, your donation is 100% tax deductible and we will send you a donation receipt.

Remember that whatever you give will be matched by the Canadian Institute for Health Research so your gift willbe doubled.

I thank you for supporting the work we do and urge you to consider making a donation to our research efforts today.

Thank you so much. 


 Paul Weingarten
Chair of Lymphoma Canada



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