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Uhhh…so when does the other shoe drop? Because I just had an 8 hour R-CHOP infusion, and I feel fine…

By: Robin Harry

Uhhh…so when does the other shoe drop? Because I just had an 8 hour R-CHOP infusion, and I feel fine…

Chemotherapy day was quite interesting – and not, all at the same time. I arrived at the hospital at 8am for bloodwork (but they didn’t need it), and then went to the pharmacy to pick up my anti-nausea drug (Ondasetron), grabbed something to eat, and then went in to the chemo clinic.

After explaining the drugs and checking my vitals, they started me on a saline IV with Benadryl and another anti-histamine or steroid to curb any possible allergic reaction to the Rituximab. This was at about 9am. At about 10am, they started the Rituximab. However, when they titrated up about an hour later, I had a mild reaction to it – my throat started itching and getting really hot. So they had to lower the titration, and gave me a nice shot of benadryl that made me feel reaaaally nice LOL

Because of that setback AND the million times I had to go to the bathroom, the infusion that was supposed to take 5 hours took about 7 hours. The actual chemo drugs (including Rituximab) started at 9:45am, and ended at 4:45pm. But I feel mostly fine! My stomach’s queasy and unsettled, and as I write this I’m starting to feel a bit nauseous. But otherwise, I’m okay. The nurses on staff at the Cancer Centre are really lovely and quite knowledgeable. I was expecting a catastrophically worse experience – this wasn’t so bad. For now, anyway…


See Also:

First Chemo Side Effects

Chemo #2

Chemo #3
Chemo #4

Chemo # 5

Chemo #6


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