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As many of you are aware, there is a critical gap in care for people living with follicular lymphoma (FL) in Ontario, even after they have been successfully treated.

As many of you are aware, there is a critical gap in care for people living with follicular lymphoma (FL) in Ontario, even after they have been successfully treated. Barry Reznick, one of our members, is currently fighting a brave battle for publicly-funded access to Rituxan.

Since being diagnosed with FL in 2002, the 56-year old father of three has given tirelessly to the cancer community, throwing numerous fundraisers and raising more than $130,000 for cancer research. Yet in his time of need, Barry is being denied public funding for this life-saving drug.  

“This is contrary to our belief system as Canadians,” said Barry. “Every patient’s top priority should be fighting cancer, not fighting the government.”

Since November 2010, LFC has been actively working with the Ontario government to find a solution to the retreatment issue but, there is still no confirmation of next steps for Barry and others in his situation. We need YOU to join us in letting Ontario Health Minister Deb Matthews know that it is not acceptable for her government to deny Barry and others like him access to this life-saving drug.

Please check out this sample letter to send to Health Minister Deb Matthews. You can make a difference in the lives of FL patients across Ontario!

For more information, please click here . If you have or know someone who has experienced the denial of Rituxan in Ontario and would like to advocate for access to this treatment, please contact Sue Robson at  1-866-659-5556  ext. 4 or by email:


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