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Living Well with CLL in Montreal
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Connection Group

Seeking to meet the needs of people with CLL or SLL

September 15, 2017*
10:00 am – 11:30 am

Hotel Le Crystal
1100 Mountain Street 
Montreal, QC H3G 0A1

*This meeting will be in conjunction with the National Patient Conference on Lymphoma, subsequent meetings will be held at the facility listed below.

Lymphoma Canada, in partnership with the CLL Society has formed a billingual CLL Patient and Caregiver Support Group in Montreal.  This is a unique opportunity for patients and their caregivers to get together and share tips on handling various CLL challenges from a local perspective. Mental, emotional and physical aspects of living with CLL will be discussed.

*RSVP to

Subsequent meetings will be held the 4th Friday of the month:  June, September, January, and April at :

JGH Hope & Cope Wellness Centre 
4635, ch de la Côte Ste-Catherine Rd.
Montréal, QC H3W 1M1


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