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Join Lymphoma Canada and Dr. Harold Olney, head of hematology at Hôpital Notre-Dame and Lymphoma Canada board member, addresses what for most patients seems counter-intuitive to a cancer diagnosis.

Watch & Wait or Wait & Worry?

Join Lymphoma Canada as Dr. Harold Olney, head of hematology at Hôpital Notre-Dame and Lymphoma Canada Board Member, addresses what for most patients seems counter-intuitive to a cancer diagnosis.

Watch & Wait or Watchful Waiting is used as a therapeutic approach, which involves close monitoring of patient symptoms and well-being without actually commencing treatment. Dr Olney will explore its usage, the anxiety it causes and its value in the treatment of indolent lymphomas.

Date: Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm (registration from 6:30, presentation from 7:00-8:30pm)

Location: Hôpital Notre-Dame, 1560 rue Sherbrooke Est, Montreal, QC, H2L 4M1 (Salon Lucien-Lacoste situated in the Pavillon Mailloux.)

Presented in French, Q&A in French & English

Registration is required. Seating is Limited.

** Please cancel your registration if you cannot attend to allow someone else to come in your place.



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