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TORONTO – April 29, 2013  Lymphoma Foundation Canada (LFC) has changed its name, logo and look as part of its re-branding initiative. The organization is now called Lymphoma Canada (LC).

This new brand emphasises patient care and support as well as user-friendly resources to assist Canadians with lymphoma. 

“Changing the organization’s name to Lymphoma Canada was to help differentiate ourselves and to reinforce the notion that we are not a foundation,” said Sue Robson, LC Executive Director “We hope that these changes will create a stronger brand name for us and a greater awareness of the disease in Canada.” 

The new iconic logo designed by Lowe Roche ,  “represents both the branches of the human lymphatic system as well the strongly rooted lymphoma community” says Sean Ohlenkamp, Executive Creative Director of Lowe Roche. “And the upward pointing branches are an indicator of help and hope”. 

LCs new website will include informative links to other websites, blogs, and videos to create an interactive experience for those visiting the new site. Patient profiles will also be implemented as a way to humanize lymphoma. 

This new brand will target medical professionals, current and former lymphoma patients and family and friends who are looking to inquire more about the disease. The use of titles and subheadings throughout the website will help navigate guests through the site’s resources and links.

 In spite of the launch of the new brand, Lymphoma Canada’s mission remains the same – eradicating lymphoma through support, education and funding research

Lymphoma is a type of Cancer that attacks cells called lymphocytes. Lymphoma occurs when the lymphocytes are in a state of uncontrolled cell growth. While lymphoma differs from patient to patient, LC will serve to provide as much information and support as possible through informative articles, interactive resources and an exciting new look.

About Lymphoma Canada

Lymphoma affects many people, from patients, family and caregivers, to medical professionals and researchers. Lymphoma Canada connects and empowers this community through education, support and research. Together we are promoting early detection, finding new and better treatments, helping patients access those treatments, and searching for the cause and a cure. For more information about this registered charity, please visit or call 1-866-659-5556.


Media Contact

Charlene Ragin
Marketing and Communications Coordinator
Lymphoma Canada
905.822.5135x 8


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