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One in 30 Canadians in their lifetime will be diagnosed with lymphoma, yet a large percentage of the population is still unfamiliar with the disease. Prior to their diagnosis, 28% of the population surveyed/respondents did not know lymphoma was a type of cancer

We’ve Listened and Learned: Where do we go from here?

“I remember telling my mom that I think I needed to see a shrink because if nothing was wrong physically then obviously it was all in my head.”

Ryan Leal, Hodgkin lymphoma survivor


Lymphoma Canada's 2013 Lymphoma Report Card Cover One in 30 Canadians in their lifetime will be diagnosed with lymphoma, yet a large percentage of the population is still unfamiliar with the disease.  Prior to their diagnosis, 28% of the population surveyed/respondents did not know lymphoma was a type of cancer

Lymphoma is the fifth most common cancer and has the fastest growing incidence rate of any cancer among young adults. Each year in Canada more than 8,800 men and women are diagnosed with lymphoma and over 3,000 die of the disease.

We know that education is essential to improving early detection and ensuring that the public is aware of this disease that impacts many Canadians, young and old. And with support, no one will have to face this alone.

This report card is the first of many to come. Lymphoma Canada will conduct this patient survey annually to showcase how far the lymphoma community has come over the years and to ensure we remain aware of areas that need to be improved. View the report card Download the PDF

Did you know?

  • 81% of respondents were diagnosed with something other than lymphoma
  • More than half of respondents had 2 or more diagnoses before a lymphoma diagnosis.
  • Fatigue and cough are common lymphoma symptoms
  • Lymphoma is the most common cancer for people 18-39 years of age

 Know your Nodes


It is important for patients and their caregivers to have the support they need during this difficult experience. For this reason, Lymphoma Canada is available by phone, online, and in person to offer support to those in need.

Contact us to learn how you can start a Connection in your area.

  • The need for accessible information is crucial, which is why Lymphoma Canada offers online resources for patients and caregivers to learn about the disease from a reliable source and connect with their peers.
    • Health Unlocked Support Community- Moderated by Lymphoma Canada
    • Google+ Hangouts
    • Webinars



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