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Mother’s Day, 2012

By April 6, 2013February 26th, 2020No Comments

I will remember how you came into my room, one with a newspaper for me, the other with a coffee, and bringing your enthusiasm for celebrating this day with me.

By: Alyssa Burkus Rolf

I will remember this day.

I will remember how you came into my room, one with a newspaper for me, the other with a coffee, and bringing your enthusiasm for celebrating this day with me. I will remember your little beaming faces close to mine, bursting with love, showing me the treasures you made for me at school.

I will remember how I felt, later in the day, watching you play together in the sunshine. Your energy and ear-to-ear smiles were infectious.

I will remember how you fell asleep on the couch before dinner, worn out from running and from all your efforts to make today special for me.

I will remember that I realized later that I didn’t think about cancer once today. After all this time, almost 11 years, days like today are still rare. I don’t dwell on it the way I have in the past, but it usually flits through my mind once or twice every day, whether reliving thoughts of the past or worrying about what’s ahead in our future. But today, you helped me stay in the moment and forget about my fears. You and your Dad helped remind me to stay focused on today and leave tomorrow’s worries for another day. You reminded me how important it is to show love to those who matter in our lives.

I will remember how perfect today was, how much love we celebrated today, how blessed my life is. It’s hard to believe there was once a time when we worried we would never have you in our life. Yet here you both are, with boundless love and energy, and we marvel at how the world works, the ebbs and flows, ups and downs.

Thank you, my beautiful boys. Thank you for today. Here’s to many, many tomorrows ahead.



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