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Surviving and Thriving With Lymphoma

Lymphoma Canada and Wellwood will partner together for this evening’s presentation and discussion on surviving lymphoma, a look at what survivorship means, the challenges that accompany surviving lymphoma, and  tips and tools for thriving as a survivor.  This presentation will be relvant to both patients and their loved ones. Tanja Loeb, Director of Operations and Programs for Lymphoma Canada will be joined by Robin McQuillan, lymphoma survivor and dynamic, engaging speaker. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014
7:00 pm – 8:30pm

501 Sanitorium Road (near Chedoke)
Hamilton, Ontario, L9C 0C3.

Registration is required for this event. Click here to register.

**This free meeting is hosted and organized jointly by Lymphoma Canada and Wellwood.


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