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Lymphoma Canada has been lucky enough to have the dedication of amazing volunteers, supporters of the cause, and ambassadors of the organization.

We Appreciate You!

Lymphoma Canada has been lucky enough to have the dedication of amazing volunteers, supporters of the cause, and ambassadors of the organization. These selfless volunteers do so much, and ask for little in return. To recognize their hard work and demonstrate how grateful we are for their part of our organization, we would like to take some time to introduce them to you:

Jenny Zych

Jenny Zych is an outstanding Administrative Assistant for Lymphoma Canada. She has been contributing her time and efforts to database management activities and other important administrative tasks. As a friend of Alyssa Burkus Rolf, board member and lymphoma survivor as well as staff member Tanja Loeb, Jenny makes it clear that no job is too big or too much for her.  If you happen to be visiting the office on one of the days that Jenny is in, please take a moment to say hi to this dedicated, efficient, and hardworking member of the volunteer team.

 Brian Di Croce

The phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words” holds true in the mind of Brian Di Croce, Volunteer photographer for Lymphoma Canada, who aims to tell stories through his photography. Brian, who lives in Montreal, QC, is a loving and generous person. His commitment to ‘give back’ includes photographing   our conferences and other events; so when you see Brian and his camera, don’t forget to smile!  We appreciate his creative insight and the visual appeal his work adds to Lymphoma Canada and are delighted to recognize him as a part of volunteer team.



Robin McQuillian

In the last four years, Robin McQuillan has donated several hours of her time to numerous Lymphoma Canada projects. From event planning and marketing, to phone support, to volunteer program development, she has been a great addition to the LC team.

Robin is a lymphoma survivor. She was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma, intermediate Large B Cell, in 2006 and is one of four volunteers that run the LC Waterloo Region Connection. To date, the group has provided support to over 100 lymphoma patients and family members in the region.

Robin’s passion is for survivorship. She would like to use her experience and skills to offer lymphoma patients the support they need while in remission.


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